What are Google Ads?

Google ad words is an advertising program; it was first launched in October 2000. ln 2018, it was renamed Google ads. Google ads is an online advertising program offered by Google. Google ads is an online paid platform on which people advertise and promote their products or services when users search-relevant keywords. Through Google ads, an advertiser raises his business service, and it brings awareness and increases traffic to his website.

How Google ads work?

Google ads work on two models

  1. Cost-per-click
  2. Cost-per-mille


How much an advertiser pays per thousand impressions. If an advertiser wants to show his ad to everyone then, he pays certain amount of money after thousand impressions.

Cost per mille impressions

How much an advertiser pays per thousand impressions. If an advertiser wants to show his ad to everyone, then he pays a certain amount of money after thousand impressions.

What is google auction, and how it works?

The process in which a user types a keyword on a google search engine page, then google search decides which ads will appear. Google auction is an online advertising pricing process that works on pay-per-click ads. It means when a user clicks on an ad, and then an advertiser search pays a certain amount of money on each click. There must be relevancy among keywords and ads on the engine results page. In the google auction process, there are several bids that place your ad in a location limited by an advertiser.

How google auction works

Google auction works on three main points:

  1. Bidding
  2. Cost –per click
  3. Cost per mille impressions

Quality score

A quality score is a tool that gives an advertisers ads good quality compared to other advertisers. Quality score is measured on a scale from 1 to 10. 1 is the best quality and 10 is the lowest quality. The highest quality score shows that an advertiser’s ad and keywords are relevant on the search engine result page. The quality score reflects the relevancy of keywords and ads on the search engine results page. A good quality score increases traffic on an advertiser’s website and promotes their product or business. On the basis of quality score, an ad gets a position on the search engine results page.

Ad rank

An ad rank is the position in which an advertiser’s ad appears on search engine results page.

Ad rank formula

Ad Rank = Maximum cost per click bid x quality score.

Components of quality score

Ads relevancy: It reflects how a keyword and ads on a search engine page are relevant.

Landing page experience: When a visitor clicks on an ad, how useful your landing page is. If a user clicks on an ad, it should be useful for users. It should provide relevant information to users.

Ad rank: It is the position of an ad on the search engine result page. An ad gets a higher position on the basis of quality score.

How to get more customers with Google ads?

Perfect landing page

Load Times: If a customer clicks on an ad search engine page should load quickly.

Credibility: An advertiser should make sure a clean and professional-looking site. Moreover, an advertiser’s contact number and business information are easy to find.

Navigation: When customers click on an ad, they expect that the page matches exactly what they search for. There must be relevancy among keywords and ads on the search engine result page.

Simple form: Ad advertiser’s ad must be in a simple form. It should convey a complete message. It should be informative for users.

Enhance your campaign

Use long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords consist of three or more words and are more particular. While they tend to draw a lower search volume, they are more relevant.

Short tail keywords: Short tail keywords are more wide-ranging and general. Short tail keywords have a high average monthly search volume.

Test and test again: To increase traffic on your site, keep modifying your campaigns and trying new strategies. Experiments with different bids, messaging and keywords, and more.

Types of Google ads

Video ads

Video advertising is a good choice if you want to promote your product or service. An advertiser pays for video ads if someone watches his video. Video ads appear on YouTube. Video ads are a combination of visual and auditory perception. The basic benefit of video ads is that an advertiser tells a story of his product or service. Through video ads, an advertiser promotes or raises his business or product.

Display ads

Display ads are banner ads. Images are used for display ads. Text ads are also used for display ads. Display ads appear on the above and below left and right sides of a website. This type of ad appears in the form of banners. These banners are based on keywords. Banner ads can easily be seen on YouTube, Facebook and on your landing page. Banners animations and square images are examples of display ads. Through display ads, advertisers advertise their products or business. Display ads help the advertiser in finding the right audience and show the advertiser’s message to customers at the right time and the right place.

Shopping ads

Shopping ads work in a way to pay-per-click ads. Shopping ads based on keywords. Shopping ads are measurable and targetable. Advertisers use shopping ads to promote their online and local products and to increase traffic on their website or local store. Shopping ads inform customers about a product before they click on that ad. Shopping ads are used to bring customers on your site. Shopping ads appear in several forms, more in a visual format. Shopping ads provide information with users of an advertiser’s product with title, store name, price and more.

Search ads

Search ads are designed if the consumer search for a product or an answer. The most common form for search ads is Google ads. An advertiser pays for results when a user uses Google Search Engine to search for something. The goal of search ads is to bring awareness to your product or brand and sales of your product. When a user types a keyword about any product, the results appear on the search engine result page. There must be relevancy between keywords and ads on the search engine result page.

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